My own boudoir session | Orange County Boudoir | Grace and Lace Boudoir

Before this month, I've never had my own boudoir session done before.  Yup, never; I am always the one behind the camera. It seemed so hypocritical of me to tell our clients they needed to put themselves first when I haven't exactly done that myself.  But like most women, I'm not always comfortable in my own skin - and I wasn't 100% confident the day I took the photos, either. But I decided it was time to take the leap and put myself squarely in the shoes of my own clients, to practice what I preach because later becomes never, very quickly.  So I got my outfits ready and prepared myself to feel sexy and confident, to see me how my husband sees me. I loved getting glammed up and shopping for my outfits!  My goal from here on out is to do a shoot once a year or at the VERY LEAST once every other year. I gotta tell you, that was fun and addicting and I hope all women get to have a boudoir experience at least once in their lives .  I love being able to see myself like that and I LOVE how my husband will just stare at the photos, too.  I should've done this A LONG TIME AGO!  

Thanks to Amanda @ California Boudoir for the amazing photos!  There were many more from the session that I loved, but my husband is being a little stingy and wants to keep those for himself! ;)
