This blog post is for all the ladies who are wanting to do a boudoir session but have been too nervous to just pull the trigger. You know, the ones who say "someday" or "after I lose 10 pounds" - JUST DO IT ALREADY! Why wait?!? Why not just say "YES! I am going to do something for myself?!" which is then a gift for him, too?? Did someone say Christmas??!
“In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take, relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make. ”
We make this process as easy as it can be for you. We help with prepping for your sessions; whether its with your wardrobe selection or sending helpful tips/tricks for skin & hair beforehand and also after the session itself with helping you select your images. You are not on your own at all with us! Turn your nervousness into excitement. If you're a follower on any of our social media pages, you've heard me say time and time again, the first email is the hardest. Once you book, we'll help guide you every step of the way. Why? Because it's exactly how we want to be treated.
Just a teaser of this Miss K's boudoir experience ... I seriously can't wait to share this one!